Saturday, September 12, 2015

I Remember

Recently my nephew, Porter, shared with me an assignment he had at NYU in a writing class.  They were asked to write down things they remembered from their pasts without stopping to think.  Just let things flow into your memory.  They were timed for 20 minutes.  I loved what Porter wrote and he encouraged me (and others) to try it.  The other night I was home alone and decided it would be a good evening to do this exercise.  I timed myself (about 25 minutes by the time I finished my last thought).  I realized I could go on and on and decided that being 3 times older than college sophomores, I should have been given 3 times longer!  That is 3 times more life lived and more experiences to recall.
Anyway, I did as revising or editing.  Just thoughts as they arose!  Here it is:

I remember Kindergarten and my birthday.  I remember the cute jumper and white blouse I wore.  I remember my mom came to the class and brought a cake.  It had white icing and was covered with jelly beans.  That particular year my birthday was near Easter.  She also put the porcelain April Angel on top of the cake because I never had a birthday cake without it.  I remember my classmates enjoying this.

I remember a friend of mine who is a year younger throwing a brick over the fence at my kindergarten when we were outside for play time.  He lived next door.  Back then, kindergartens were private and not offered in public schools.  I remember the brick hitting someone in the nose.  There was blood everywhere.  The rest is a blur.

I remember Woodside Drive and my sister and I lying on top of the car at dusk waiting for the bats to swoop down.  They did.  The neighborhood kids sometimes joined us.  I was terrified, but felt a sense of “braveness” because my big sister was next to me.

I remember trick or treating on Halloween and walking along with my sister and probably some other neighborhood kids.  I remember getting home and having a ton of candy and my sister having very little.  It appears she had a hole in her pillowcase and I was trailing along behind and picking up all the candy that leaked out.  Or was it the other way around?  Now I am doubting myself.

I remember moving to Ridgeview Drive.  We all felt that we had “arrived.”  No one realized at the time that my mom gave up her dream of building a house on the lot she and daddy bought.  I just know I was elated to have a pink room with my very own pink bathroom and cedar lined walk-in closet.  Life was good.

I remember Hammock dying.  I remember Jessie moved in with us temporarily and lived in my lovely pink room with me.  I had twin beds.  I wanted to see her hair down.   I couldn’t imagine how long it must be.

I remember hosting a SHS grad party at my house.  We set up in the carport.  A few of my friends were awesome musicians and they set up stools and brought their guitars and graced us with some incredible music.  Thanks, Tommy, Stan, and Rick.  I remember that I had an incredibly horrible case of poison ivy on my face.  I went to the doctor to get a shot, but that evening I was miserable.  Thank God for my long hair.  I managed to twirl and twist it to cover a large part of my face.

I remember my high school girlfriends.  I know that so much of what I learned about being a girl, a woman and simply what I learned about female relationships I learned from them.  They may be far removed now, but are held forever dear in my heart.  I know they know who they are.​

I remember Elon.  I remember my dorm and I remember meeting my husband. Who would have thought?  Thank you, Jesus, for your hand in that.  At the time, I would not have imagined what I know and feel now.

I remember a seminar class at Elon.  7 of us.  Or it might have been 9.  We sat around a conference table and discussed Victorian Literature with an often intoxicated professor.  I must say that I learned more about Victorian Literature than one might have imagined!

I remember sitting on the steps of the college library.

I remember my sweet and incredibly beautiful roommate.

I remember my sister.  I miss her.

I remember my nephew and all the stages of his life.  He ran the gamut and he has entertained me immensely.  And more than that, I love him so much.  He may never ‘get’ the feelings I have.

I remember the night my daughter and her husband came over to tell us they were “expecting.”  What a word!  What a freaking miracle.  God is good.

I remember looking for recipes, games and prizes for The First Annual Turkey Olympics.  It was an awesome idea but the reality of it sucked. Trying to make teams and get everyone together is a nearly impossible task.  However, it doesn’t stop me from trying to make something silly and memorable happen every Thanksgiving.

I remember a Thanksgiving that wasn't wonderful.  I was in the hospital in Cardiac Care.  My baby daughter was 3 months old and had never had a bottle and I had to trust my sweet mom to make her take a bottle and be okay without me.  I remember my husband’s step-dad dying on that very day and the sadness and stress he must have felt knowing he couldn’t go and comfort his mom and also worrying about his own family.

I remember when I came home from Philadelphia on April 24th and finding an 8 oz. Leo waiting for me.

I remember that my sister died 2 months later.

I remember than my nephew said this exercise was a 20 minute exercise.  It has been almost 25 minutes.  I guess when you are in college a 20  minute exercise could cover a long period of time.  Perhaps for someone  3 times that age, the time should be expanded. 

I remember reading my nephew’s answer to this exercise and thinking how awesome.  How eloquent.  And how determined I was to do it!  So I did.  I am not proofreading or changing anything. 
Porter, here it is.